Trusted profiles created or automatically renewed during the COVID-19 pandemic will expire on 31 October 2023.

As per a notice of 18 October 2023 from the Digitization Ministry, if you log into your trusted profile and see the following message in the Sposób utworzenia/przedłużenia field: “Profil zaufany przedłużony automatycznie na czas pandemii”, this means the profile will become invalid on 31 October 2023, even if profile details show a different expiry date.

A trusted profile is valid for three years. This period was automatically extended during COVID-19 without the need for user intervention. Now that the pandemic emergency has been called off users need to renew their trusted profiles by themselves. This also applies to trusted profiles created during the pandemic, whose users should now check for their validity in order to avoid the risk of automatic expiry on 31 October 2023.

A trusted profile can be renewed at To do so, select Mój profil zaufany and go to Szczegóły profilu zaufanego, where you need to find Zarządzanie profilem zaufanym and select Przedłuż ważność lub zmień dane.

If this issue pertains to your business and you are interested in our assistance, please contact us.

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